Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Today more bacon, but with a price

You, know. I push my luck. I added up the number of hours I worked last week, and it turns out to be 54. Too many. I am currently working on three grants adding up to almost a million dollars. Today I got an itty bitty one for $1,300.

I do have an interesting job, and it's fun and personally rewarding. As you know, the goal of my very important government job is mainly to gain funding for sidewalks in a Chicagoland suburb. At least, that's what I think my job is. That's what the boss tells me to do. So I do.

To that end, I had some real adventures last week. I've been going door to door asking residents how much money they make. Really. I knock on the door and I ask them to fill out a short survey with that as one of the questions. And I need about 87% of the residents to answer the question. After all, the Federal government wants to know who will benefit from the pavement, and they think that somehow almost all of them will tell me personal things. So I walk. And I knock. And I ask personal questions.

Well, I'd sent out a letter telling people that I was coming around, and why. Surprisingly, most of the residents are happy to answer my questions. Some of them get mad at me and slam the door. And some of them get mad and hit each other. Yes, I saw two people engage in fisticuffs over my survey. I didn't know what to do about that, so I left. Fortunately, they'd already filled out the form. So that's what I was up to last week that kept me away from my knitting.

Insidious returned with a vengeance at 3:00 am today. My joints are OK, but my guts are not. I'm sure all the working last week did not help things.

Tonight will be knitting. Lots of knitting and resting.

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