Friday, July 06, 2007

What is it, really?

I mean, a knit blog with no pictures? I guess the results are self evident here. Perhaps the problem not blogger after all. I seem to be having an error every time I try to close a browser window, and it is the problem that is leading to a lack of photos. I've run the virus scans, and nothing comes up.

With Jaywalkers done, I have started my next (non-Entrelac) sock project. The Entrelac socks are going to be a very long term thing, as I really can only deal with them for short periods. I don't want them to end in jail just because they frustrate me. They are innocent knits that should not unfairly incur my wrath. This next project is a Snicket Sock made of Panda Cotton in Fall Herbs on size 1 DPN's. It's a bit of a to-do for a variegated yarn, but somehow I can't bring myself to make a plain stockinette sock. The fabric is lovely, soft, and firm. A plain stockinette would work up very quickly in this yarn, but I've spent two days getting the ribbing and one repeat of the 20 row chart done, being not-so-quick in the cable needle. I sort of wish Wendy would hurry up and publish the pattern for S(p)ocks. I'd rip out my progress now and do those, but won't if I get to far with the Snicket this weekend.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi--I found your blog searching for someone else doing the Oriel Lace Blouse. I saw that initially you had the same problems I had...I am confused on the chart (the purls at the end) and I'm unsure about the increases and decreases and keeping the pattern straight with those added in. Can you provide me any insights? I saw your latest picture and it's beautiful so you must have figured it out! Also--what yarn did you use...what I chose doesn't appear to work and I can't afford what IK suggests. Thanks for any help you can give me! rachierae AT gmail DOT com