Sunday, July 15, 2007

I officially stink

I can't believe it's been four days since I posted last. Time seems to be slipping away from me lately.

I just got home from work. Yes, it is Sunday. The John Kurtz 5K was today, and it went off well. With only 3 weeks to plan, we attracted 150 runners, including two men who competed against each other in the 1996 Olympics. It was very exciting. That's a good one for my resume. But I'm home and I stink. It was warm out there.

Fortunately, working my ass off today means that I will not have to work on Friday. And guess what? The Amazing E is arriving early that morning! We'll have three days together. I'm so glad he's coming in.

But for what you've come here for. I knitted these booties yesterday for my neighbor's new baby. Sabastian was born on July 3. Congratulations, Arthur and Barbara.
These were knitted according to the pattern in Last Minute Knitted gifts on size 1's using some left over STR on the Jewel of the Nile colorway.

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