Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So many socks...

This is becoming...something. Is it bad? Really?

I went and cast on three socks this weekend. From left to right, Roza's sock#2, Rock and Weave in Socks That Rock colorway Jewel of the Nile, and Becca's second Melon Ball sock. Speaking of Becca, she and her mom have finally launched their store, Froebe Fibers. I hope this sock turns out ok, it's my first toe up attempt. I just couldn't not start the second socks of the two pairs. But the Jewel of the Nile was calling me from my sock yarn box. I could hear is whispering to me from across the bedroom at night, "MB, knit me. We'll be so happy together..." So I cast in on and made the cuff. My GAWD, it's beautiful. Just look at the detail here.

These are ankle socks, and there will certainly be lots of yarn left over. OOOOh. What will I make with that? Certainly something with this yarn in the stitch shown here for the cuff.

So, three mismatched socks on the needles. That's got to be bad luck.

1 comment:

Kris said...

As long as you knit a few stitches every now and again, then it's okay;)