Monday, June 16, 2008


I admit it. I knitted on WWKIP day. I also sold yarn at an event.

Despite my guilt, it was great fun. In attendance where some local knitting bloggers such as AmyO, Hooker 2 Cats, and Bdegar, as well as my Ravelry friend MalteseMama and Creative Crocheter (who gave me a pretty little hat for a future baby).

I'm kinda tired today. Insidious has returned in the last couple of weeks, leaving me wiped out much of the time. Not inspired to write, I'll let the pictures do the talking for this post. Let's thank E for the artistic yarn and knitting photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, MG! So what's this about guilt? For what, knitting? Selling yarn? Both were a public service, in my opinion, having indulged in one of your luscious skeins.