Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bag O' Yarn

Well, I got my bag of yarn from the Cherry Tree Hill grab bag, and I have to say that I'm as disappointed with this one as I was elated with the last. From the last sale, I got a half dozen glorious and unusual smallish hanks of yarn and some patterns. They were wonderful for gifts and small projects. This time, however, I got two big hanks of a rather ugly hand dyed wool and a giant pile of mohair loop, along with what looks like a nice sock pattern. I agree that that crazy mohair loop is in the spirit of an orphan grab bag. But it looks to me that the ugly handpainted stuff was produced specifically to be filler in these grab bags, this based on the "grab bag" on the label. I say "BOO" and "HISS." When I purchased something that was described as orphans, I expected to get interesting leftovers, not some stuff made at the last minute to fill the grab bag!

I would have been happier with fun fur...


Kris said...
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Kris said...

Bummer! I would contact them and let them know how disappointed you where in the bag this year. It sounds like it wasn't just orphans, but a "opps" their trying to fix by putting it in the grab bag and that way their not taking a loss.