Friday, November 16, 2007


Haaaahhhhh. Oh my.

I believe I've been sleep deprived for the better part of a year. In reality, I have been getting only 5-6 hours of sleep most nights since January, falling into a trap of trying to get enough done "today" so there might be a chance of rest "tomorrow." But as the saying goes, tomorrow never comes. For the last week, I've been getting 8-10 hours of sleep. If this keeps up, I may turn into a human. I might even resemble myself.

With my reduced wakefulness, I've managed a lot of knitting, to finish the wedding plans, and to finish yet another class towards my master's degree. I have four classes left. Two will be taken out east and transfer back. For the remaining two, I must fly back to Chicago for six Thursdays in each case. I will receive my master's in nonprofit management later than planned, but I will received it in about a year's time.

If my camera decides to work, I will show you knitting progress after I've had my coffee.

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