Sunday, July 06, 2008

Keep on sockin'

Despite the stoopidness of my tummy, I have been taking advantage of this summer to have fun and get a lot done. But you know that. It's why I'm not blogging much.

Summer of Socks is coming along. Fifteen days in, I have something like 2.25 pairs of socks knit. The latest finished was the Campfire socks. They seemed to have been well received by Ravelers, so I think I'll write up the pattern soon. It's an easy columnar lace pattern, and with the thickness and elasticity of Jitterbug, they were only 54 stitches around. Oh, and yes. My legs and feet are that pasty white. Modest dress is not conducive to the tan. Not that a fair lass like me ever really tanned in the sun.

So I've cast on new socks. When I brought this Great Adirondack Soxie yarn in the Birch colorway home, the Amazing E immediately declared it "Sindarin." I knew then I had to use it for Rivendell socks, which I'd been eying and spying since the Harlot knit them. This is the first sock. I'm calling them "Imladris" because that's the name for Rivendell in Sindarin, the language of the Wood Elves. (and I know I'm a nerd.)The only part that's really hard are figuring out the wrapped stitches at the top.

E's got a four day weekend this weekend. Very important government employees, you know. Anyway, we've been chilling out and resting. Even so, I've also done a lot. Today we went blueberry picking at a local "you pick'em" orchard. Man, that's a smart business plan. They do the labor to plant the crops, but people pay to come and pick them and take them away. At any rate, we got two pounds of the biggest blueberries I've ever seen. I made a batch of awesome muffins for us. E's gorging himself on the now.

I've also been working on yet another paper for school. Whew. After two years, I'm finally in the home stretch. Just a couple more classes and the seminar next week. Oh, did you know? I will be coming to Chicago on Wednesday and staying for nine days to go to that seminar.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Like several SOS folks your one pair has a VERY short cuff!

The Rivendell socks are wonderful! And are on my list for SOS too.

And we MISS YOU on Wednesdays at Tangled Skein. I hope we see you before the end of the month! (Like maybe July 23rd?)