I was a potter. I had my own wheel and kilns and everything. Then tragedy struck. I royally messed up my left arm. What happened was a work related injury that robbed me of use of three of my fingers for a couple of years. Eventually, I had surgery that fixed the problem but by then I'd moved into a condo and was back in school. I didn't have time for pottery after my hand and arm recovered. Luck for me, my dad was kind enough to keep my equipment in his basement.
Last year I moved into this house that has a barn in the backyard that is perfect for a small pottery studio. In a flurry of excitement, I drove the truckster back and forth to Chicago twice to get all my stuff. However, I discovered that my wheel, which was already second or third hand when I got it, was in pretty bad shape. I couldn't start throwing. Then I got pregnant. My return to pottery was delayed for another year.
Until today! My brand new pottery wheel came today!

I'm so tickled. Look for this to become a place for yarn and mud induced mishegas.
OK, wait a minute! You said both were on the...left? So when will you be making yarn bowls? :D
I'm planning on yarn bowls and buttons. I'll let everyone know after they're fired.
I agree w/Baethany re: the knitting bowls!
Do you have your own kiln, as well?
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