Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad knitting day

Seriously, WTF? I mean I'm used to bad hair days. A little too dry, and I get frizzy stuck-my-finger-in-a-light-socket hair. A little too humid, and I become Rosanne Roseannadanna with a Chicago accent. But bad knitting day? What's up with that.

All day today I've been trying to get something done on the Rheingold Wrap. My quota is 10 rows per day. Some days there are more, and some days less. But today was 4 rows. Nearly every time I got to the end of the chart, which is repeated five times per row, I'd find I'd miss counted and I had to tink back nearly to the start of the chart and redo it. AAAAnd...Usually I made the same mistake every time I came to the same point. Oy. Oy vey.

Now there is no getting discouraged. Tomorrow is another (SnB, not SNL) day.


Julie said...

I found your blog through La petite Tricoteuse, and I am wondering if I can "steal" your "I sniff yarn" button. i do sniff yarn and I find your button quite pretty.
Thank you,
Julie La Salle

Knitterary said...

This comment is for the Amazing E.

Dude. Seriously. Don't complain about the stash before the wedding if you want the knitter to marry you. And after the wedding? Too late. You will be married to a knitter. Stash comes with the vows. Better just get used to it.

Hugs and kisses and lots of best wishes from she whose overflow stash is in a storage facility. (Count your blessings. MB doesn't have my yarn shopping habits.)